Review Of The Month – September

We’re genuinely always grateful for your reviews, they’re something we celebrate around the office and at times I’ll even share them with Amanda as they’re that meaningful to me personally. One interesting theme in our reviews over the years has been how kind other professionals in the industry have been, from real estate lawyers who have become clients; to employees at our third party service providers; and even to mortgage brokers who work with hundreds of Realtors each year. The below is another of those reviews, from David Ford of Sparo Mortgage.

“I was able to work with David Smith and his team together for a great couple buying their first home in Abbotsford. They were on top of everything start to finish, every detail prepping these buyers for what to expect for their first time, all documents and adjustments during contract writing, everything was hand held to the notary appointment. Clients were very well taken care of, and very happy. I am excited to work with David Smith & team again. They are pro!” – David Ford

It’s always meaningful to be recognized by another professional for what we try to deliver for our clients week in and week out. If you’d like to hear about how we can help you with your move, never hesitate to reach out.